Mike Avery Outdoors Radio


Mike Avery’s Outdoor Magazine is the premiere outdoor radio show in Michigan. The program started more than twenty-five years ago on one small station in Saginaw and now has grown to thirty affiliates.

In each weekly three hour show, Mike talks about the latest outdoor news and also interviews experts to get tips and advice to make the most of your next outdoor adventure.

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I’m no longer in the outdoor television business, but video is still a big part of what I do.

I use video on my social media outlets, including “Live” segments on my facebook page every week.

Tune in Wednesday mornings at 8:45 (eastern) to get a live look behind the scenes at the radio studio. You can also join me for “Wednesday Night Live” at 7:00 PM.

Ice fishing has changed since I did it years ago. Today's insulated shanties with heaters keep you warm even on the coldest days. Fish finders (or Forward Facing Sonar units) let you see fish coming in so you can be ready for the bite...or get frustrated when they don't hit. #saginawbay #walleye #icefishing

Ice fishing has changed since I did it years ago. Today`s insulated shanties with heaters keep you warm even on the coldest days. Fish finders (or Forward Facing Sonar units) let you see fish coming in so you can be ready for the bite...or get frustrated when they don`t hit. #saginawbay #walleye #icefishing ...

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I always say a dead skunk in the road is a sure sign of spring...but now I'm not so sure. Emil Rousseau sent me this pic from over the weekend near Rose City. I'm pretty sure it's going to be winter for a while longer yet. #deadskunk #winter #mothernature

I always say a dead skunk in the road is a sure sign of spring...but now I`m not so sure. Emil Rousseau sent me this pic from over the weekend near Rose City. I`m pretty sure it`s going to be winter for a while longer yet. #deadskunk #winter #mothernature ...

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I'm not much of an ice fisherman anymore but when my son James invited me on a Saginaw Bay trip with Mike Smith of @offshore_a_count_sportfishing I couldn't pass on the opportunity. We started out in 21 feet of water, then moved into 19. Just before dark the bite turned on and we had some good action. @gogreatlakesbay @versaskins

I`m not much of an ice fisherman anymore but when my son James invited me on a Saginaw Bay trip with Mike Smith of @offshore_a_count_sportfishing I couldn`t pass on the opportunity. We started out in 21 feet of water, then moved into 19. Just before dark the bite turned on and we had some good action. @gogreatlakesbay @versaskins ...

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Another Saginaw River sturgeon. This one caught by Gerald Kaczmarczyk while he was fishing for walleye. It's great to see sturgeon showing up in that river system. @gogreatlakesbay @michigandnr

Another Saginaw River sturgeon. This one caught by Gerald Kaczmarczyk while he was fishing for walleye. It`s great to see sturgeon showing up in that river system. @gogreatlakesbay @michigandnr ...

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Tickets for our big @trinitymonitor Wild Game Dinner and Auction are now on sale. Lots of great food and fellowship, plus great auction items. Go to https://one.bidpal.net/trinitymonitordinnerauction2025 to get your tickets before we sell out.

Tickets for our big @trinitymonitor Wild Game Dinner and Auction are now on sale. Lots of great food and fellowship, plus great auction items. Go to https://one.bidpal.net/trinitymonitordinnerauction2025 to get your tickets before we sell out. ...

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Outdoor Magazine radio has been on the air more than thirty years. Today marks twenty years of recording the show in the studios of @wsgw790. I’ve never had a better broadcast partner. #radio #outdoorradio

Outdoor Magazine radio has been on the air more than thirty years. Today marks twenty years of recording the show in the studios of @wsgw790. I’ve never had a better broadcast partner. #radio #outdoorradio ...

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