We’re kicking off a new month on Outdoor Magazine radio.

First, Chad Stewart from the Michigan DNR joins me to talk about the Deer Management initiative (DMI) process and what we might expect from the Michigan NRC next week.

Then Tom Campbell of Woods-n-Waternews wraps up the hour.

We’re talking fishing in Hour 2 with Luke Pawlosky. Luke targets muskies on Lake St. Clair while fishing from a kayak.

UP hunter Jordan Hoover is up next with a follow up on the DMI process. He was a member of the UP group.

More fishing talk in hour three with Gerry Gostenik. Gerry is a well know Michigan bass fishing guide.

We wrap it all up with Chef Dixie Dave Minar. This time Dave has a very interesting, and very good, recipe.

Check out this episode!